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The term “double-max” refers to a practice in campaign finance where an individual contributes the maximum allowed amount to a candidate’s primary and general election campaigns. 

It is often referred to as “double maxing.”

The practice of double maxing allows individuals to support their preferred candidates to the fullest extent allowed by law.

It’s particularly common among highly engaged donors who are deeply committed to a candidate or cause.

However, it’s important to note that these limits apply only to direct contributions to a candidate’s campaign.

Other forms of political giving, such as donations to political action committees or super PACs, are subject to different rules and limits.

The concept of “double maxing” reflects the complex nature of campaign finance laws. It also highlights the strategies that donors and campaigns use to navigate them.

While these laws are designed to limit the influence of money in politics, they also create a complex system that can be difficult for the average voter to understand.

Use of “Double-Max” in a sentence

  • The candidate’s fundraising reports revealed a significant number of double-max donations, indicating strong financial support from committed backers.
  • As a show of his deep commitment to the candidate, the donor decided to double-max his contributions, giving the maximum allowed amount for both the primary and general election campaigns.
  • Critics argue that the practice of double-maxing allows wealthy individuals to exert a disproportionate influence on the political process, highlighting the ongoing debate about campaign finance reform.