Thrown Under the Bus
To be “thrown under the bus” is to be sacrificed by someone hoping to avoid blame themselves, often in order to make political gain.
It …
To be “thrown under the bus” is to be sacrificed by someone hoping to avoid blame themselves, often in order to make political gain.
It …
“Kingfish” is the nickname for Huey P. Long, the one-time governor of Louisiana.
Long was a divisive figure who played a larger than life role …
“Political suicide” is an unpopular action that is likely to cause significant harm to their reputation, electoral success, or power within their organization.
These actions …
A “carpetbagger” is a politician who runs for office or tries to appeal to a constituency in a geographic area where he or …
The term “inside baseball” refers to any subject matter which is considered too highly specialized to be appreciated by the general public.
In …
A “recall election” allows voters to oust an elected official, by means of a direct vote,while that official is still in the middle …
Rough and tumble, attack-dog style political campaigns are sometimes referred to as pitbull politics.
In the same way, a pitbull politician is one who is …
A demagogue is a politician whose rhetoric appeals to raw emotions such as fear and hatred in order to gain power, rather than …
In politics, a “rainmaker” is an individual who can raise campaign funds for others.
Often, a rainmaker is a retired politician who still has a …
An influence peddler is one who uses their political influence to try and win favors for others.
An influence peddler is a bit of a …
A “power broker” is someone who wields indirect political power, either by influencing the outcomes of elections or by exercising influence over key decision …
In politics, a “fat cat” is a rich and influential person, usually one who donates generously to political campaigns.
The expression suggests that the person …
A “three martini lunch” is a long, leisurely lunch, usually associated with either business or backroom political dealings.
The three martini lunch had its heyday …
“Movers and shakers” are those who have power and influence in business, politics, or other segments of the public sphere.
Party leadership, committee leaders, or …
The term “party line” refers to the officially agreed-upon policy positions of a political party.
It can also refer to the way in which members …
“Nut-cutting time” is when drastic actions are required, because all other methods have failed. The phrase is used in sports as well as in politics.…
The term “muckety muck” refers to individuals who hold significant power, influence, or high rank within politics.
It can be a somewhat dismissive or derogatory …
Honest graft refers to the money-making opportunities that might arise while holding public office.
The activities are, strictly speaking, legal, although they might raise eyebrows …
An “ego wall” is where people flaunt their political connections by displaying photos of themselves with more famous people.
As Mike Nichols observed:
…“The ego
A “grifter” is a con artist, someone who obtains money by swindling or tricking others.
In politics, the word refers to people who use the …
“Chicago-style politics” is a phrase used to characterize a supposedly offensive tough, “take-no-prisoners” or “hardball” approach to politics.
It often refers more specifically …