Quiet Diplomacy
“Quiet diplomacy” refers to one state’s efforts to influence the behavior of another state through discreet negotiations or actions.
This means operating behind the scenes …
“Quiet diplomacy” refers to one state’s efforts to influence the behavior of another state through discreet negotiations or actions.
This means operating behind the scenes …
“Peace at any price” is a phrase closely associated with the politics of appeasement, and especially with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and his …
“Missile gap” is a phrase used during the Cold War, referring to the theory that the US lagged behind the Soviet Union in terms of …
“Peace through strength” is the accumulation of military power and security assets by a country to encourage an amenable diplomatic atmosphere with other countries.
“Appeasement” is a diplomatic policy in which nations attempt to make peace by making concessions to an aggressive nation. Appeasement is often linked with the …
A “back channel” is an unofficial means of communication between two nations or two political entities.
“Backchanneling” is also used as a verb, to refer …
“Soft power” is the ability to obtain what one wants through co-option rather than the use of coercion.
In recent years, the concept of soft …