Aardvarking is recruiting candidates for public office with the main objective of having their names begin with the letter A.
The practice of aardvarking is …
Aardvarking is recruiting candidates for public office with the main objective of having their names begin with the letter A.
The practice of aardvarking is …
An absentee ballot is a vote cast by someone who is unable to visit the official polling place on Election Day.
This type …
The “Acela corridor” refers to the Northeast megalopolis that stretches roughly from Washington, D.C., through New York City, to Boston.
Named after Amtrak’s high-speed Acela …
The “advance man” is someone who makes arrangements and handles publicity for the candidate during a campaign.
The advance man travels to a location ahead …
“Advice and Consent” is a critical phrase in the United States Constitution that outlines a key aspect of the checks and balances among the three …
Agitprop is political propaganda, especially in the form of art or literature, which is used to advance a political stance.
A portmanteau of …
The “aisle” refers to the space which divides the majority side from the minority on the House and Senate floor.
When debating, members frequently refer …
To “Akinize” is to try to diminish a political foe by likening his or her words to remarks on “legitimate rape” made by …
“All things to all men” is a phrase applied to politicians who seem to be making contradictory promises and statements so that they can appeal …
The term “alternative facts” was a phrase coined by White House adviser Kellyanne Conway to defend a false statement by press secretary Sean Spicer about …
“Amen corner” is a term used in politics to refer to a group of people or legislators who always support or agree with a particular …
Ronald Reagan’s critics often referred to the president as an “amiable dunce.”
The phrase was meant to suggest that Reagan was friendly and likeable, but …
“Appeasement” is a diplomatic policy in which nations attempt to make peace by making concessions to an aggressive nation. Appeasement is often linked with the …
“Are you any better off” is a phrase commonly used in politics to question whether the policies and actions of a particular candidate or political …
An armchair strategist is a person who creates plans and military strategy without being directly involved in the area.
The term is often used in …
“Arsenal of democracy” is a term that was first coined by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a radio address to the nation on …
The “art of the possible” is idea that politics is a matter of pragmatism, instead of idealism.
According to this worldview, politics is a matter …
Astroturfing is an artificially-manufactured political movement designed to give the appearance of grassroots activism.
It involves presenting a biased or skewed view of public …
“Astrotweeting” is the creation of fake Twitter profiles to show support for a political candidate.
Bill White described the practice in an Texas Monthly interview …
An “attack dog” in politics is a person, usually a politician or a political operative, who is designated to aggressively challenge and criticize the opposition.…
An “autopsy report” is a comprehensive examination and analysis performed by a political party, organization, or think tank following an electoral defeat.
The primary objective …