Back Channel
A “back channel” is an unofficial means of communication between two nations or two political entities.
“Backchanneling” is also used as a verb, to refer …
A “back channel” is an unofficial means of communication between two nations or two political entities.
“Backchanneling” is also used as a verb, to refer …
A “backbencher” is a junior member in the British House of Commons who occupies the back benches of Parliament, sitting behind party leaders and top …
A “backgrounder” is an off-the-record briefing for members of the news media.
Reporters are free to report on what they learn at a background briefing …
The term “bagman” is used to describe a person who acts as an intermediary or messenger, delivering or collecting money or other valuable items on …
The Bailey memorandum was circulated among members of the Democratic party in 1956, arguing that Catholic voters were a key demographic that could be harnessed …
A balanced ticket is a paring of political party candidates designed to appeal to a broad swathe of the electorate. A balanced ticket normally includes …
“Ballot box stuffing” is a term that refers to the practice of illegally submitting more than one vote in a ballot in which …
The term “ballyhoo” refers to a type of political propaganda that is designed to create a public spectacle or spectacle and attract attention to a …
To be on the “bandwagon” is to follow a group that has a large and growing number of followers.
A bandwagon is literally a wagon …
In politics, a “bargaining chip” refers to something that is used as leverage in a negotiation, an attempt to pass legislation, or an effort to …
A barnstormer travels around the country or state making political appearances during a political campaign.
The events are typically set up by an advance man…
The terms “battleground state” and “swing state” refer to states that have closely divided support for Democratic and Republican presidential candidates.
They are …
The term “bean counter” is a slang term used to refer to individuals who are perceived as overly focused on financial or budgetary concerns, often …
A beauty contest refers to a unique, non-traditional form of primary where the focus is more on gauging candidate popularity and less on the direct …
“Bed-wetting” refers to someone who expresses doubt or excessive worry about a political outcome.
The term “bed-wetting” in politics has roots in psychological analogies.
Much …
In politics, a “bellwether” refers to a geographic area whose political beliefs and voting preferences reflect that of a wider area.
For example, a county …
“Beltway bandits” describes a private business or political entity that operates inside the Beltway, the interstate highway that encircles Washington, D.C.
More specifically, the …
“Better red than dead” is a phrase that reflects the belief that, despite the widespread perceived dangers of communism and the Soviet Union, it was …
Broadly speaking, “big government” is a political term that refers to how much influence the federal government has on the day-to-day lives of American citizens.…
A “big lie” is an extreme distortion of the truth, used for the purpose of spreading propaganda. It is often somewhat outrageous.
In theory, people …
In politics, a “big tent” refers to an inclusive party which encourages a wide swathe of people to become members.
The opposite of “big tent” …
A bill is a proposed law introduced in either the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate.
A bill originating in the House is …
A Bircher is an adherent to the teachings and philosophies of the John Birch Society, an anti-communist organization founded in 1958.
The heyday of the …
“Bird-dogging” is a term that originates from hunting, where a bird dog is trained to sniff out and point towards game birds, but in politics …
A blanket primary is a primary election whereby each voter can select one candidate per office regardless of party.
This primary is different from open …
The term “bleeding hearts” refers to people who care deeply — so deeply that their hearts bleed — about the suffering of the needy. The …
The Blue Dog Democrats are a coalition of moderate House Democrats.
The group is dedicated to fiscally conservative legislation and a strong national defense. They …
A “blue state” is one whose voters elect primarily Democratic candidates.
It is the opposite of a red state, which elects primarily Republican candidates.…
Blue-slipping is a term that originates from the United States Congress and refers to a procedural action taken by the House of Representatives to assert …
A “body man” is an assistant or valet who follows a political figure around the clock, providing logistical assistance for daily tasks ranging from paperwork …
A Boll weevil Democrat was a conservative southern Democrat in the mid 1900s, largely known for his opposition to civil rights.
They used …
A “bomb thrower” is used metaphorically to describe a person — often a politician or political operative — who uses provocative, inflammatory, or extreme rhetoric …
A “boodle” refers to a large sum of bribe money or graft money.
Boodle can also be used to mean a large collection of something. …
A “boondoggle” is a wasteful or extravagant project with no practical value.
Usually, a boondoggle makes use of public funds and carries at least a …
“Borking” is attacking a person’s reputation and views for the purposes of denying them a political appointment.
Borking is characterized by intense scrutiny …
“Both-sidesing” is a term often used in political discourse to describe a tendency in media reporting where journalists, in their effort to maintain a sense …
The “Bradley effect” is a polling phenomenon involving high support for non-white and non-female candidates in opinion polls not reflected by election results.…
A “bridge builder” is a politician or diplomat who actively works to create or improve relationships, foster cooperation, and promote understanding among diverse groups or …
A brokered convention takes place when no one candidate wins a majority delegates during the presidential primary to earn their party’s nomination in …
A bully pulpit is a public office or position of authority that provides the holder with an opportunity to speak out and be listened to …