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In politics, “vetting” refers to the process of thoroughly investigating and evaluating a candidate’s background, qualifications, and character before they are selected for a political position or endorsed by a political party.

The vetting process is designed to uncover any potential issues or controversies that could affect the candidate’s suitability for the role or their chances of success in an election.

Vetting can involve a wide range of checks and investigations.

This may include reviewing a candidate’s professional history, educational background, financial records, and legal history.

It can also involve investigating their personal life, including their relationships, past behavior, and any potential scandals or controversies.

In some cases, a vetter may conduct interviews or psychological assessments to evaluate a candidate’s character, judgment, and mental health.

The goal of vetting is to ensure that a candidate is suitable for the role they are being considered for and that there are no hidden issues that could cause problems down the line.

This can help to avoid surprises during the campaign, such as unexpected scandals or revelations that could damage the candidate’s reputation or chances of success.

It can also help to ensure that the candidate is capable of performing the role effectively and responsibly.

However, the vetting process can also be seen as invasive or overly harsh, particularly when it involves delving into a candidate’s personal life.

There can also be debates about what should be considered relevant or acceptable in a candidate’s background, and how past mistakes or controversies should be weighed against their current qualifications and character.

Use of “Vetting” in a sentence

  • Before announcing their vice-presidential pick, the campaign spent weeks vetting potential candidates, examining their backgrounds, policy positions, and any potential controversies.
  • The party faced criticism for failing to thoroughly vet their candidate, as a scandal emerged mid-campaign that could have been identified with a more rigorous vetting process.
  • As part of the vetting process, the candidate’s financial records, voting history, and public statements were all scrutinized to ensure they were a suitable choice for the position.