Hideaways are personal, unmarked offices in the Capitol originally assigned to senior senators. They are often conveniently located near the Senate floor.
The hideaway location of an individual Senator is a closely held secret, most with no names on the doors. They are hidden from view with some even tucked away behind large statues.
Due to recent renovations, all 100 Senators have for the first time been assigned their own hideaway. There is no public information on the cost of renovating and furnishing these offices.
Origin of “Hideaways”
The concept of hideaways dates back to the early years of the Senate, when senators were assigned small cubicles for their personal use. As the Senate grew in size and power, so too did the need for more space and privacy.
Today, most senators have access to at least one hideaway, which they can use for a variety of purposes.
One common use of hideaways is as a place for senators to meet with their staff and other colleagues. These spaces offer a quiet, secluded setting where senators can discuss sensitive matters and hold private conversations without fear of eavesdropping.
They are also used as a place for senators to relax and recharge between meetings and floor sessions.
Despite their name, hideaways are not necessarily secret or inaccessible to others.
In fact, many hideaways are open to staff and other trusted associates of the senator, who can use them as a place to work, brainstorm, and collaborate.
Some senators even host small receptions or meetings in their hideaways, using them as a venue for informal gatherings and social events.
The secrecy surrounding hideaways has generated considerable media interest, with provocative article titles, such as: “Senate’s Biggest Secret: Lush Hideaways for Lawmakers“, and “Congressional Perks: How the Trappings of Office Trap Taxpayers“.
Use of “Hideaways” in a sentence
- The Senator retreated to one of the hideaways in the Senate building to avoid reporters after a contentious committee hearing.
- During a recess in the Senate floor session, the Majority Leader held a private meeting with key members of their caucus in their hideaway to discuss strategy for the upcoming vote.
- The Senator’s hideaway was filled with memorabilia from their home state, providing a comfortable and familiar space for them to work and relax in between meetings and floor sessions.